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Watch the Walkthrough Video
Explore REW Deals in the REW CRM with our step-by-step video tutorial. We'll guide you through how to set up buy and sell-side deals, and an overview of the REW Deals dashboard.
Manage Your
Deals in One Place
REW Deals provides a central dashboard in the REW CRM where you can manage all aspects of our real estate deals. The intuitive interface makes it easy to navigate through deal stages, track outcomes, and organize deals based on type, ensuring nothing slips through the cracks.
Visualize Key Performance Metrics
Report Cards in REW Deals offers a visual snapshot of important metrics like Sales Volume, Total Commission, Broker Commission, and Agent Commission. These metrics give you a quick overview of your performance, allowing you to make informed decisions based on real-time data.
Track Progress
with Deal Stages
REW Deals categorizes each transaction into clear stages, from appointments to closure. This systematic approach helps agents stay organized, while managers can use it as a training tool to identify areas that need improvement, fostering a culture of accountability.
Master the REW CRM
One Feature at a Time
What People
Are Saying
Don't take our word for it! Find out from happy customers why the REW takes the #1 spot in the combined website, lead generation, and CRM space.
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Watch The Webinar
As part of our Summer of Innovation webinar series, our Sales Manager, Jeff Pady, took us through the process of adding buy-side deals in REW CRM. Jeff shared key insights to help enhance your REW CRM experience and boost your buy-side transactions.