New Relationship Options in CRM

Now that the new CRM version has been out in the wild for a little bit I noticed that something and wanted to get everyone else’s feedback. I use the relationship field quite a bit and I actually like how REW has tackled this by just linking to another contact.

One issue I have is that it would be nice if the relationship was a 2 way relationship. Meaning if I add a wife’s contact to the husband then the husband’s relationship also adds to the wife.

@Morgan, what do think?


I agree and love this idea. I always cross-reference prospects who are related outside the backend due to this limitation but It would be nice if I could create that cross-referenced relationship exclusively in the backend.

Great idea @MattFranklin, thanks for sharing this!

We definitely discussed this - the challenge is in the assumption of the title on the other side.

A husband is not always a husband for example - (a wife can have a wife)

If you add someone as a “son” what is the other person’s label? (Father or mother?) < we can’t know this.

Also, the relationship is not always a family relationship, for example, you can have a relationship like “POA” or “assistant”

One thing we might be able to do is (in that same step of adding the relationship one way, maybe we add a relationships label for the countepart - that could work.

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Not trying to complicate the workflow but maybe an option(checkbox?) that says something like “Add Relationship to this Contact” when the new contact is selected. Once that checkbox is selected a new field opens to add that contacts title. Thoughts?

Great suggestion - we’ll bring it up in today’s R & D connect. Thanks Matt!

I’m just looking at the fly-out - there is TOTALLY room to do this easily.

Here’s a mockup for the R & D team

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That looks great! While we’re talking about relationships. are we able to print mailing labels? I don’t think I’ve seen anywhere that we can but would love to be able to. Other CRMs have the ability to print labels and also combine relationship names for husband and wives.

You can’t print mailing labels, but there are many software / tools that do this and I’m pretty sure they can do it from a CSV - so you just export your leads to CSV put them into your mailing labels tool and you’re good to go.

Yep. There are. Just wondering if this was built in already before I went out trying to use another tool to do this.

Turns out you can just do it in word :slight_smile:

Thanks Morgan, there’s actually an import tool within the Avery website. I use their printing labels so it’s just a little extra step but I don’t send out a ton of mail at once normally.