Transitioning to REW CRM from another CRM

I(like others I assume) have been working out of different CRM as well as using REW CRM(limited). I used FUB for a few years and when FUB was purchased by Zillow I switched to Lofty(Chime). REW’s CRM didn’t have what I needed at the time. However, I think they are trending in a great direction with the redesign and the automation engine, deals, etc. So with that being said I’m working on transitioning out of Lofty over to REW CRM. It’s a tough challenge though because of a few things. The biggest issue is Migrating data back into REW CRM - this is a probably question for @Morgan and I think I’ve asked this before but how do I come back to REW CRM when all of my working data lives in Lofty? Is there a migration tool in the works? Maybe a complex Zapier zap can be used for this but not 100% sure we would get all of the data.

Is anyone right now looking to come back to the REW CRM from another CRM? If so, how are you handling the migration?

We do have a migration (import) tool that can be leveraged - but depends on the complexity of your request.

This can be done in a more complex way (programmatically) but of course, they you need a programmer (billable time) - however we do have a loyalty program that grants you free custom hours (including programming) so you could likely zero cost base (or heavily reduce cost) of migration if you wanted a more complex migration.

The best place to start is to identify what it is you want to move and what options you have for export (either manual or API)

The one 100% is if they won’t give us access to the data in some exportable or accessible way, we can work with it.

I suppose let’s start with a few questions:

Can you please list all the data points you’d like to move?
Can you give us an example of what options you have a lofty for data export?
Is there anything you KNOW you want but can’t be exported?

Apologies for the super late response. Been dealing with all of the hurricane aftermath here in Florida.

In my case, Lofty’s data export includes the following fields:

  • Lead Id
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Lead Type(Buyer, Seller, Renter, Investor, Agent, etc)
  • All Emails Associated
  • All Phone Numbers associated
  • Relationship Info(Name, email, birthdate, address, phone) ← This includes up to 4 relationships
  • Pipeline <-this would be Lead Heat sort of. They are customizable in Lofty but not a customizable field in REW
  • Segment ← type of organization tool, sort of like a group, or even use a tag and then create a smart list.
  • Tags
  • Source
  • Any assigned agent or lender
  • Date and time created
  • Birthdate
  • Mailing Addresses
  • Custom Fields
  • Notes - this includes all texts and calls either manually added or called/texted directly through Lofty, also includes any manual notes added to the leads profile.

My first thought would just be to build a Zapier zap, change the “segment” field for all contacts and let that trigger the update. However, the following fields aren’t available in REW’s schema:

  • Notes - this is a separate trigger so probable can do this a second Zap
  • Custom fields
  • Segments(Groups in REW)
  • Pipeline(Lead Heat in REW)
  • Tags
  • Source

Without those, I’m not really moving any vital information back into REW via Zapier so unless the Zapier schema is updated then it’s probably not a viable solution.

For me, everything that I would need is exportable. I use Lofty as an organization and communication hub and REW as purely a saved searches/activity tool. I have the gmail integration setup in REW so the communication is technically already there for email. I think the only thing that most everyone would want when exporting would be what smart plans(action plans) a lead is connected to. The tricky part is if someone is in the process of a long term drip and then you move them into another system, you can’t really start them partial way through the drip so this, in my eyes, would be a manual process or even a chance to really audit my database to see if the plans are A) even working or B) if someone needs to be added to a new plan.

All in all, I think most everything a migrating user would need is going to come out of an export from another CRM. There will always need to be manual intervention. I’m just looking for a simple solution to merge data from one CRM to another.

@Morgan, checking back in here. I know you guys are working hard. Hoping something to help with migration is in the works!

UPDATE: I figured out a way to make this work for me but it requires a Zapier Zap. It might help others who are looking to migrate so I’m happy to create a full post about it or if anyone wants help, I’m glad to jump on a call with any other REW users.

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