Terms Of Use/Service
If you're a new user of the Real Estate Webmasters website and/or a new customer taking advantage of our great web development offerings, products or services, we highly recommend that you read the following terms of service very carefully.
Intellectual Property Notice
All products & custom developments showcased here at Real Estate Webmasters are the intellectual property of and owned by Real Estate Webmasters Ltd. This includes but is not limited to:
- Content management systems
- IDX frameworks
- REW Templates
- REW Blogs
- Mockups / comps
- Final design frameworks
- Glossary software
- Directory software
- All copy and graphics
- All Source Code / PHP
- Anything "produced" by Real Estate Webmasters Staff
- Anything "derived from" Real Estate Webmasters works
This does not mean that if you find something on our website that is not covered in this list, that it is fair game – to attempt to copy, steal, or reproduce ANYTHING found at Real Estate Webmasters or produced by Real Estate Webmasters is unlawful and considered intellectual property theft. We can and will prosecute offenders.
Intellectual Property Theft
If you did not create it, pay for its creation or have written permission to use it, DO NOT post it on your website or ours.
For all users of Real Estate Webmasters websites and social networking portals: It is unlawful to copy any graphical or written work and publish it to your own website, blog or any portion of https://www.realestatewebmasters.com (With the exception of instances covered by Fair Use). Real Estate Webmasters has a zero tolerance policy for blatant copyright infringement and if provided with proof of such infringements, the illegally reproduced materials will be removed from your website or blog at your expense. Further infractions may result in a non-refundable cancellation of any and all services as well as a permanent ban from the Real Estate Webmasters community.
Do you feel that a Real Estate Webmasters community member or customer has violated your copyright?
You may report them using our contact form.
Please be advised that in order to enforce your legal rights and take necessary action against an offending party, we require that you provide the following:
- A written request sent via email or fax explicitly detailing the specifics of what you feel to be a violation of your copyright.
- Links / URL's to your original materials, as well as the corresponding URL's of the offending customer's website.
- Proof of ownership of the original work or proof of first publication (such as that provided by http://www.archive.org).
Once submitted, your complaint will be taken very seriously and looked at immediately. Our customers will be sent a notification regarding the details of the complaint and will be provided 48 hours to respond if reported Monday-Friday (add 24 hours if submitted on a Sunday; add 48 hours if submitted on a Saturday).
We are not lawyers!
It is very obvious when a written work or graphic has been clearly copied and re-used without permission and you can expect swift action when obvious copyright infringement has occurred – however, in some instances there is not a clear cut or obvious violation of intellectual property theft or copyright infringement. If sufficient proof cannot be provided to substantiate your claim of ownership, or if we feel we simply do not have enough information to make a decisive ruling, we suggest that you contact a lawyer and pursue a legal ruling regarding the matter. At such time as a ruling in your favour has been made, you provide (once again in writing) legal documentation of the ruling so that we may remove any offending materials from a Real Estate Webmasters customer's website.
The Real Estate Webmasters Logo/Link
All of our sites include the Real Estate Webmasters logo in the footer, with a link pointing to our website's home page. This is meant to credit us for the development of your site's initial design. (In certain exceptional cases, a 3rd party design may have been built by REW onto the REW platform.) The logo and link are required as per the terms of our client/vendor agreement, and any attempt by the client to conceal or remove these elements may result in termination of our relationship and removal of the client website.
Code of Conduct
It is our policy at Real Estate Webmasters to maintain the highest standard of ethics in the conduct of our business and in our relations with our clients and associates. We promise to treat every client with the utmost respect and professionalism and we ask the same thing in return. We reserve the right to immediately terminate business relationships with clients who use abusive/disrespectful or threatening language towards any of our employees.