Just created our first official automation using the new REW Automations Engine!

I have EXCITING news! The first install of REW’s automation engine is now live on www.carlycarey.com and it’s SO good!

What is the REW Automation Engine?

It’s a new application that allows you to create conditional rules in the CRM and automate a huge amount of tasks to improve your workflow and efficiency.

Let’s take this rule I just created -

In the past, a listing agent would create a deal in the CRM as they started working on it.

Taking it through the various stages "Appointments > Listing Contracts > Go To Marketing > Offers > Pending > Closed

At certain stages (such as when we get a signed listing contract) the agent would need to also need to notify certain people (such as our admin via email) and then we would hope they would text us as well to let us know the good news.

Does it always happen? Have I ever been like… “We got a new listing? Why didn’t you tell me? That’s awesome!”

Now we can automate it! Check it out.

If this: (Deal Stage Changed To Listing Contract)

Then this: (Email our admin and have her start working on the file :slight_smile:

Also: If this: (Deal Stage Changed To Listing Contract) < same as above

Then this: Text Team Leaders and let them know the good news!

How cool is that? We can streamline the communication chain which removes steps and complexity from the agents’ day AND we can make sure we don’t miss sending out important or exciting notifications.

This is just one of thousands of use cases for Automation and I’m SUPER excited to play around with this some more to improve our business.

I’ll be testing this as a beta for the next month or so, and ideally, we’ll have this new engine available for all Renaissance customers before the end of this year (so this next quarter)

Here’s a video with @Rebecca talking more about this exciting new tool :slight_smile:

Looking forward to this! An important trigger for us would be creation of a backend listing. We could kick-off listing coordination action plans, congratulations emails/texts to the listing agent, etc. Triggers for backend listing statuses would be a nice bonus, but just creation would be amazing for us.

Triggers on the deals stages are pretty close to this suggestion, but we’re not using the deals system just yet.

Some other possible triggers: blog post creation, new page added to website.

For those I could see action plans that relate to promoting the new blog post. For new website page, an action plan to make sure all the elements of a page complete and in order like meta description, meta titles, etc.

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This is actually a VERY interesting use case I had not thought of before - “trigger a series of campaigns or tasks based on new marketing activities such as a blog post”

I could see it working very well for some clients where they only do say 1 blog post as week (or just a couple) but others who have a LOT of content production in a short period of time (like CMS pages) you might not want a bunch of emails or texts flying around.

But you’re right! This a cool idea!

For example, here at REW, when we write a blog post, we go to the “internal” sales chat and let all our sales people know there is a new post they should read.

Instead, we could auto-email and text them - Hey go check out the latest blog post at Real Estate Blog | Latest News in REW's Real Estate Technology

One less task to do for us - great suggestion Victor!

And yes you are right - you CAN already do this. My recommendation would be to create a trigger on the “Go to market” stage. This of course already includes creating your listing, adding it to the site etc, so would give you exactly what you need here.

So for example rule:

If - Stage changed to “Go to market”

  • Notify Listing co-ordinator via email and text
  • Assign action plan x
  • Text broker

Whatever :slight_smile:

That’s the very use case for blogs that I had in mind. We email some key blog posts to our agents. In our case, we would add some conditions like who the author is or a tag or category to capture only the key posts. Or maybe we just let it fly and send them all :grinning:

Can’t wait until we can dig into this!