Want to Save Time on Emails? Use Form Letters, Templates, Responders and Campaigns

Hey everyone,

I’m just curious if you’ve been using REW CRM’s email features like Form Letters, Templates, Auto Responders, and Campaigns? If so, how are they working for you? For those who are not familiar with these tools, Form Letters lets you create pre-written emails for common scenarios like follow-ups or welcome emails. They’re super handy for saving time and making sure your message is consistent.

Sample Form Letter:

Next, we’ve got Email Templates. If Form Letters are all about the message, Templates are all about the style. Using HTML, you can design layouts and formats that align with your branding. Auto Responders, on the other hand, take things up a notch by automatically sending an email when someone fills out a form on your website. This means that leads reaching out through any form will instantly get a tailored response from you. Plus, you can even edit the thank-you message that pops up after a form submission!

Sample Template:

Sample Auto Responder:

Then there’s the Campaigns feature, which allows you to create drip email campaigns to nurture your leads over time. You can schedule emails to go out on specific dates, trigger them based on events, or space them out over the course of a campaign. What’s even better is that all these features work together—you can use Form Letters and Templates to create your campaigns quickly!

If you’re short on time, don’t forget about REWpert, our AI robot powered by OpenAI technology. It can help you draft emails and templates. That said, I always recommend reviewing and tweaking REWpert’s output to make sure it’s accurate and aligns with your voice.

I recommend reading our Email Features blog post for all the details, benefits and best practices.

If you haven’t used them yet, is there something holding you back? If you’re already using these features, have you found them helpful? I would love to hear your thoughts!

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I automate my emails. I do have a question. I have an email verifier I use. In the past we were notified if our emails bounced. Now if my email verifier says it’s a bad email I don’t put that lead in the automated email. But they are still getting listing updates. How can we stop them from getting the updates besides deleting them?

Hi @judyorr! May I know which tools you’re using for your email automation and verification? Right now, the CRM won’t know if an email bounces through a third party, so the best way to handle it for now would be to manually remove them from the emailing list. Let me know what you’re using, and I’d be happy to see if there are any other options!

I’m using REW CRM.

Hi @judyorr! How are you automating your emails, are you using action plans or campaigns?

And for email verifying do you mean the CRM’s email verification option under Settings > IDX > Registration?

Campaigns. I have a 3rd party email verification program I use before I put the leads into the campaigns. But when that program says an email is unsafe/undeliverable, catch-all, etc., they are still receiving listing updates.

EDIT: I just checked the IDX registration settings and I do not require them to verify their email first - it’s another step I don’t want them to have to take.

So if my email verifier says an email is bad, and they’re still being sent listing updates, doesn’t this go against my email that I keep sending to bad email addresses? I can’t just delete the email as it says it’s required. I don’t necessarily want to delete the lead as I also send out texts and make calls and a bad email doesn’t always mean a bad phone number. I have my texts on an automated campaign via a 3rd party vendor but will be using REW text.

Any answer? Simple question - how can we see bounced emails? Is REW still sending to them, such as Listing Updates, even if the email has bounced?

Hi @judyorr, sorry for the late reply. I’ve checked internally and right now there’s no way to see bounced emails in the CRM, this is something that we’re looking into enabling soon along with more potential changes like adding visual labels to bounced addresses.

Thanks Fernando, we were able to see them in the past so I’m not sure what changed, but I guess a lot :wink:
Also, will we be allowed to simply remove the bad email vs having to delete the lead?

While we’re still exploring multiple options, I believe the goal would more likely be to have the system automatically stop sending emails to bounced addresses so that as an agent you would not have to manually filter them out.

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Thanks Fernando!

You can unsubscribe the lead can you not?

I believe leads can only unsubscribe themselves through their dashboard or using unsubscribe link from an email. We don’t have an admin option for agents to unsubscribe them manually, but we do have the mass-unassign action for groups. That could serve as an alternative to remove a group of leads from a given campaign.

we should not be able to “resubscribe” if unsubbed - but agents / admin should be able to “unsubscribe” at lead request.

That makes sense, I’ll create a ticket for us to implement this change!